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Papers In Press




Lazarov, A., Liberman, N., & Dar. R. (in press). The seeking proxies for internal states (SPIS) model of OCD – A comprehensive review of current findings and implications for future directions. Current Neuropharmacology.



Hertz-Palmor, N., Rozenblit, D., Lavi, S., Zeltser, J., Kviatek, Y., & Lazarov, A. (in press). Aberrant reward learning, but not negative reinforcement learning, is related to depressive symptoms – an attentional perspective. Psychological Medicine, 1-14.


Huggins, A., Baird, C. L., Briggs, M., Laskowitz, S., Hussain, A., Fouda, S., Haswell, C., Sun, D., Salminen, L., Jahanshad, N., Thomopoulos, S., Veltman, D., Frijling, J., Olff, M., van Zuiden, M., Koch, S., Nawijn, L., Wang, L., Zhu, Y., … Morey, R. (in press). Smaller total and subregional cerebellar volumes in posttraumatic stress disorder: a mega-analysis by the ENIGMA-PGC PTSD workgroup. Molecular Psychiatry.


Basel, D., & Lazarov, A. (in press). A sight for sore eyes? Attention allocation to obsession-provoking stimuli and stimuli reflecting compulsion completion. Motivation and Emotion.


Lopez-Veneros, D., Cumella, R., Kronish, I. M., Lazarov, A., & Birk, J. L. (in press). Home-based cognitive bias modification training for reducing maladaptive fear in patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome: A pilot randomized clinical trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies





Amsalem, D., Wall, M., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., Fisch, C., LeBeau, M., Hinds, M., Liu, J., Smith, T. E., Hankerson, S., Lewis-Fernández, R., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2023). Brief video interventions to increase treatment-seeking intention among US healthcare workers: A randomized controlled trial. Psychiatric services, 74, 119–126.


Liberman, N., Lazarov, A., & Dar, R. (2023). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: The underlying role of diminished access to internal states. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 32, 118-124.


Dikstein, H., Gilon-Mann, T., Halevi-Yosef, R., Enoch-Levi, A., Hamdan, S., Gur, E., Bar-Haim, Y., Lazarov, A., Treasure, J., & Stein, D. (2023). Attention bias modification add-on to inpatient treatment for young women with anorexia nervosa – a randomized controlled trial. European Eating Disorders Review, 31, 285–302.


Alon, Y., Bar-Haim, Y., Dyan Gober, C., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Zhu, X., Neria, Y., & Lazarov, A. (2023). Eye-tracking indices of attention allocation and attention bias variability are differently related to trauma exposure and PTSD. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 96, 102715.


Zhu, X., Lazarov, A., Dolan, S. C., Bar-Haim, Y., Dillon, D. G., Pizzagalli, D. A., & Schneier, F. (2023). Resting state connectivity predictors of symptom change during gaze-contingent music reward therapy of social anxiety disorder. Psychological Medicine, 53, 3115-3123.


Basel, D., Hallel, H., Dar, R., & Lazarov, A. (2023). Attention allocation in OCD: A systematic review and meta-analysis of eye-tracking-based research. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324, 359-550.


Basel, D, Magen., M., & Lazarov, A. (2023). Increased attention allocation to stimuli reflecting end-states o f compulsive behaviors among obsessive compulsive individuals. Scientific Reports, 13, 12190.


Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Zhu, X., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., & Neria, Y. (2023). Attention allocation to negatively-valenced stimuli in PTSD is associated with reward-related neural pathways. Psychological Medicine, 53, 4666-4674.


                        * This work reflects equal contribution of the first two authors


Basel, D., & Lazarov, A. (2023). Reward functioning from an attentional perspective and obsessive-compulsive symptoms – An eye-tracking study. CNS Spectrums, 28, 597-605.


Arad, G., Azriel, O., Pine, D. S., Lazarov, A., Sol, O., Weiser, M., Garber, E., Bloch, M., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2023). Attention bias modification treatment versus a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or waiting list control for social anxiety disorder: A randomized clinical trial. American Journal of Psychiatry, 180, 357-366


Amsalem, D., Fisch, C. T., Wall, M., Choi, C. J., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., LeBeau, M., Hinds, M., Thompson, K., Fisher, P. W., Smith, T. E., Hankerson, S. H., Lewis-Fernández, R., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2023). Anxiety and depression symptoms among young US essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychiatric services, 74, 1010-1018.


Zilcha-Mano, S., Duek, O., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Zhu, X., Lazarov, A., Helpman, L., Korem, N., Malka, M., Harpaz-Rotem, I., & Neria, Y. (2023). Underlying hippocampal mechanism of PTSD treatment outcome: Evidence from two clinical trials. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 3, 867-874.


Shamai-Leshem, D., Abend, R., Arad, G., Azriel, O., Chong, L., de Jong, P., Gober, C., Hajcak, G., Klawohn, J., Meyer, A., Neophytou, K., Neria, Y., Panayiotou, G., Schneier, F., Soleymani, A., Yair, N., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., & Lazarov, A. (2023). The free-viewing matrix task: A reliable measure of attention allocation in psychopathology. Journal of Anxiety disorders, 100, 102789.








Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Zhu X, Zilcha-Mano, S., Kim, Y., Marino, C. E., Rjabtsenkov, P., Bavdekar, S. Y., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., Larson, C. L., Huggins, A. A., deRoon-Cassini, T., Tomas, C., Fitzgerald, J., Kennis, M., Varkevisser, T., Geuze, E., Quidé, Y., … Morey, R. (2024). Intrusive traumatic re-experiencing domain (ITRED) – Functional connectivity feature classification by the ENIGMA PTSD consortium. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science, 4, 299-307.


                * This work reflects equal contribution of the first two authors


Haim-Nachum, S., Amsalem, D., Lazarov, A., Zabag, R., Neria, Y., & Sopp, M. R. (2024). Anhedonia mediates the relationships between childhood trauma and symptom severity of PTSD and depression, but not of social anxiety. Journal of Affective disorders, 344, 577-584.


Hertz-Palmor, N., Yosef, Y., Hallel, H., Bernat, I., & Lazarov, A. (2024). Exploring the ‘mood congruency’ hypothesis of attention allocation – an eye-tracking study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 347, 619-629.


Omer, A., Arad, G., Pine, D. S., Lazarov, A., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2024). Attention bias vs. attention control modification for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 101, 102800. 




Amsalem, D., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., Smith, T. E., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2022). Video intervention to increase treatment-seeking by healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic: randomized controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 220, 14-20.


Lazarov, A., Oren, E., Liberman, N., Gur, S., Hermesh, H., & Dar, R. (2022). Attenuated access to emotions in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Therapy, 53, 1-10.


Rudich-Strassler, A., Hertz-Palmor, N., & Lazarov, A. (2022). Looks interesting: Attention allocation in depression when using a news website – an eye tracking study. Journal of Affective disorders, 304, 113-121.


Basel, D., Aviram, T., & Lazarov, A. (2022). Lack of an attention bias away from relatively negative faces in dysphoria is not related to biased emotion identification. Behavior Therapy, 53, 182-195.


Neria, Y., Lazarov, A., & Zhu, X. (2022).Identifying neurobiological markers of PTSD using resting state fMRI data: The promise of data-driven computational approaches. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 7, 121-123.


Amsalem, D., Lopez-Yianilos, A., Lowell, A., Pickover, A. M., Arnon, S., Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Ryba, M., Zalman, H., Sanchez-Lacay, A., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., & Neria, Y. (2022). Treatment dropout among veterans and their families: Quantitative and qualitative findings. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14, 578-586.


Dillon, D. G., Lazarov, A., Dolan, S., Bar-Haim, Y., Pizzagalli, D. A., & Schneier, F. (2022).Fast evidence accumulation in social anxiety disorder enhances decision-making in a probabilistic reward task. Emotion, 22, 1-18.


Massad, R., Hertz-Palmor, N., Schneier, F. R., & Lazarov, A. (2022). Development and initial validation of the visual social anxiety scale (VSAS): Could a picture be worth a thousand words? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 89, 102589.


Amsalem, D., Wall, M., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., Fisch, A., LeBeau, M., Hinds, M., Liu, J., Fisher, P. W., Smith, T. E., Hankerson, S., Lewis-Fernández, R., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2022). Destigmatizing mental health treatment and increasing openness to seeking treatment: Randomized controlled trial of brief-video interventions. The British Journal of Psychiatry Open, 8, e169.


Lazarov, A., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Zhu, X., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., & Neria, Y. (2022). Attention allocation in posttraumatic stress disorder – An eye tracking study. Psychological Medicine, 52, 3720-3729.


Zilcha-Mano, S., Zhu, X., Lazarov, A., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Helpman, L., Neria, Y., & Rutherford, B. R. (2022). Structural brain features signaling trauma, PTSD, or resilience? A systematic exploration. Depression and Anxiety, 39, 695-705.


Keefe, J. R., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Zhu, X., Lazarov, A., Durosky, D., Such, S. S., Marohasy, C., Lissek, S., & Neria, T. (2022). Elucidating behavioral and functional connectivity markers of aberrant threat discrimination in PTSD. Depression and Anxiety, 39, 891-901


Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Such, S., Marohasy, C., Small, S. S., Wager, D. T., Lindquist, M. A., Lissek, S., & Neria, N. (2022). Sequential fear generalization and network connectivity in trauma exposed humans with and without psychopathology. Communications Biology, 5, 1275.


Dar, R., Yardeni, G., Sarna, N., & Lazarov, A. (2022). Are people with obsessive-compulsive disorder under-confident in their memory and perception? A review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, 52, 2404-2412.














Lazarov, A., Basel, D., Dolan, S., Dillon, D. G., Pizzagalli, D. A., Schneier, F. (2021). Increased attention allocation to socially threatening faces in social anxiety disorder: A replication study. Journal of Affective disorders, 290, 169-177.


Amsalem, D., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., Gorman, D., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2021). Increasing treatment-seeking intentions of US veterans in the Covid-19 era: A randomized controlled trial. Depression and Anxiety, 38, 639-347.


Cleveland, S., Reed, K., Thomas, J. L., Ajijola, O. A., Ebrahimi, R., Hsiai, T., Lazarov, A., Montoya, A. K., Neria. Y., Shimbo, D., Wolitzky-Taylor, K., & Sumner, J. A. (2021). Key dimensions of posttraumatic stress disorder and endothelial dysfunction: a protocol for a mechanism-focused cohort study. BMJ Open, 11, e043060.


Elias, S., Massad, R., & Lazarov, A. (2021). Visual attention patterns of socially anxious individuals when using Facebook – An eye tracking study. Behavior Therapy, 52, 995-1007.


Pickover, A., Lowell, A., Lazarov, A., Lopez-Yianilos, A., Sanchez-Lacay, A., Ryba, M., Such, S., Arnon, S., Markowitz, J. C., & Neria, Y. (2021). Interpersonal psychotherapy of posttraumatic stress disorder for veterans and family members: An open trial. Psychiatric Services, 72, 866-873.


Fisher, P. W., Lazarov, A., Lowell, A., Arnon, S., J. Turner, B., Bergman, M., Ryba, M., Such, S., Marohasy, C., Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Markowitz, J. C., & Neria, Y. (2021). Equine-assisted therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder among military veterans: An open trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 82, 21m14005.


      * This work reflects equal contribution of the first two authors


Helpman, L., Zhu, X., Zilcha-Mano, S., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Rutherford, B., & Neria, Y. (2021). Reversed patterns of resting state functional connectivity for females vs. males in posttraumatic stress disorder. Neurobiology of Stress, 15, 100389.


Umemoto, A., Cole, S. L., Allison, G. O., Dolan, S., Lazarov, A., Auerbach, R. P., & Schneier, F. (2021). Neurophysiological predictors of gaze-contingent music reward therapy among adults with social anxiety disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 143, 155-162.  


Amsalem, D., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., Naiman, A., Smith, T. E., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2021). Psychiatric symptoms and moral injury among US healthcare workers in the COVID-19 era. BMC Psychiatry, 21, 546.


Dar, R., Lazarov, A., & Liberman, N. (2021). Seeking proxies for internal states (SPIS): Towards a novel model of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 147, 103987.





Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Zilcha-Mano, S., Lazarov, A., Arnon, S., Lowell, A., Bergman, M., Ryba, M., Hamilton, A. J., Hamilton, J. F., Turner, B., Markowitz, J. C., Fisher, P. W., & Neria, Y. (2021). Neural changes following Equine-Assisted Therapy for PTSD: A longitudinal multimodal imaging study. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 1930-1939.


Lazarov, A., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2021). Emerging domain-based treatments for pediatric anxiety disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 89, 716-725.


Gober, C., Lazarov, A., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2021). From cognitive targets to symptom reduction: An overview of attention and interpretation bias modification research. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 24, 42-46.


Shamai-Leshem, D., Lazarov, A., Pind, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2021). A randomized controlled trial of gaze contingent music reward therapy for major depressive disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 38, 134-145.

Abend, R., Bajaj, M. A., Matsumoto, C., Yetter, M., Harrewijn, A., Cardinale, E., Kircanski, K., Lebowitz, E. R., Silverman, W. K., Bar-Haim, Y., Lazarov, A., Leibenluft, E., Brotman, M., & Pine, D. S. (2021). Converging multi-modal evidence for implicit threat-related bias in pediatric anxiety disorders. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 49, 227-240.

Bar-Haim, Y., Stein, M. B., Bryant, R. A., Bliese, P. D., Ben-Yehuda, A., Kringelbach, M. L., Jain, S., Dan, O., Lazarov, A., Wald, I., Levi, O., Neria, Y., & Pine, D. S. (2021). Intrusive traumatic reexperiencing: Pathognomonic of the psychological response to traumatic stress. American Journal of Psychiatry, 178, 119-122.







Linetzky, M., Kahn, M., Lazarov, A., Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2020). Gaze-contingent music reward therapy for clinically anxious 7-10 year-olds: An open multiple baseline feasibility study. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 49, 618-625.

Lazarov, A., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Levy, O., Coppersmith, D. L., Lubin, G., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., Abend. R., & Neria, Y. (2020). Symptom structure of PTSD and co-morbid depressive symptoms - A network analysis of combat veteran patients. Psychological Medicine, 50, 2154-2170.

Suarez-Jimenez, B., Albajes-Eizagirre, A., Lazarov, A., Zhu, X., Harrison, B. J., Radua, J., Neria, Y., & Fullana, M. A. (2020). Neural signatures of conditioning, extinction learning, and extinction recall in posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. Psychological Medicine, 50, 1442-1451.

Suarez-Jimenez, B., Zhu, X., Lazarov, A., Mann, J. J., Schneier, F., Gerber, A., Barber, J. P., Chambless, D. L., Neria, Y., Milrod, B., & Markowitz, J. C. (2020). Anterior hippocampal volume predicts affect-focused psychotherapy outcome. Psychological Medicine, 50, 396-402.

     * This work reflects equal contribution of the first three authors

Lazarov, A., Friedman, A., Comay, O., Liberman, N., & Dar, R. (2020). Obsessive-compulsive symptoms are related to reduced awareness of emotional valence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 272, 28-37.

Zilcha-Mano, S., Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Pickover, A., Tal, S., Such, S., Marohasy, M., Chrisanthopoulos, M., Salzman, S., Lazarov, A., Neria, Y., & Rutherford, B. R. (2020). Diagnostic and predictive neuroimaging biomarkers for posttraumatic stress disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5, 688-696. 

Birk, J. L., Cumella, R., Lopez-Veneros, D., Jurado, A., Romero, E. K., Lazarov, A., & Kronish, I. M. (2020). Intervening on fear after acute cardiac events: Rationale and design of the INFORM randomized clinical trial. Health Psychology, 39, 736-744.

Azriel, O., Lazarov, A., Segal, A., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2020). Visual attention patterns during online video-mediated interaction in socially anxious individuals. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 69, 101595.

Spiller, T. R., Levi, O., Neria, Y., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Bar-Haim, Y., & Lazarov, A. (2020). On the validity of the centrality hypothesis in cross-sectional between-subject networks of psychopathology. BMC Medicine, 18:297.

Klawohn, J., Bruchnak, A., Burani, K., Meyer, A., Lazarov, A., Bar-Haim, Y., & Hajcak, G. (2020). Aberrant attentional bias to sad faces in depression and the role of stressful life events: Evidence from an eye-tracking paradigm. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 135, 103762.







Lazarov, A., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Tamman, A., Falzon, L., Zhu, X., Edmondson, D. E., & Neria. Y. (2019). Attention to Threat in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as Indexed by Eye-Tracking Indices: A Systematic Review. Psychological Medicine, 49, 705-726.

Lazarov, A., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Abend, R., Naim, R., Shvil, E., Helpman, L., Zhu, X., Papini, S., Duroski, A., Rom, R., Schneier, F., Pine, D. S., Bar-Haim, Y., & Neria, Y. (2019). Bias-Contingent Attention Bias Modification and Attention Control Training in Treatment of PTSD: A Randomized Control Trial. Psychological Medicine, 49, 2432-2440.

Lowell, A., Lopez-Yianilos, A., Ryba, M., Arnon, S., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Fisher, P., Markowitz, J. C., Neria, Y. (2019). A University-Based Mental Health Center for Veterans and their Families: Challenges and Opportunities. Psychiatric Services, 70, 159-162.

Levi, O., Lazarov, A., Lubin, G., Wald, I., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2019). Predictors of consent to treatment and premature termination of treatment in a sample of veterans with military-related PTSD. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 207, 300-306.

     * This work reflects equal contribution of the first two authors







Bronfman, Z. Z., Brezis, N., Lazarov, A., Usher, M., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2018). Extraction of mean emotional tone from face arrays in social anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 35, 248-255.


     * This work reflects equal contribution of the first three authors


Gilon-Mann, T., Hamdan, S., Bar-Haim, Y., Lazarov, A., Enoch-Levy, A., Dubnov-Raz, G., Treasure, J., & Stein, D. (2018). Different Attention Bias Patterns in Anorexia Nervosa Restricting and Binge/Purge Types. European Eating Disorders Review, 26, 293-301.


Lazarov, A., Ben-Zion, Z., Shamai, D., Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2018). Free Viewing of Sad and Happy Faces in Depression: A Potential Target for Attention Bias Modification. Journal of Affective Disorders, 238, 94-100.


Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Helpman, L., Papini, S., Lowell, A., Durosky, A., Lindquist, M. A., Markowitz, J. C., Schneier, F., Wager, T. D., & Neria, Y. (2018). Exposure-Based Therapy Changes Amygdala and Hippocampus Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 35, 974-984.








Lazarov, A., Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2017). Gaze-contingent music reward treatment for social anxiety disorder: A randomized control trial. American Journal of Psychiatry, 174, 649-656. 

Lazarov, A., Abend, R., Seidner, S, Pine, D. S., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2017). The effects of training contingency awareness during attention bias modification on learning and stress reactivity. Behavior Therapy, 48, 638-650. 

Lazarov, A., Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Rutherford, B. R., & Neria, Y. (2017). Resting-state functional connectivity of anterior and posterior hippocampus in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 94, 15-22.  

Helpman, L., Zhu, X., Suarez-Jimenez, B., Lazarov, A., Monk, C., & Neria, Y. (2017). Sex Differences in Trauma-Related Psychopathology: A Critical Review of Neuroimaging Literature (2014-2017). Current Psychiatry Reports, 19, 104. 

Lazarov, A., Marom, S., Yahalom, N., Pine, D. S., Hermesh, H., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2017). Attention bias modification augments cognitive behavioral group therapy for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 48, 2177-2185.







Lazarov, A., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2016). Attention bias modification treatment reduces depression symptoms in youth. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55, 161-162. 

Lazarov, A., Abend, R., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2016). Social anxiety is related to increased dwell time on socially threatening faces. Journal of Affective Disorders, 193, 282-288. 

Dar, R., Lazarov, A., & Liberman, N. (2016). How can I know what I’m feeling? Obsessive-compulsive tendencies and induced doubt are related to reduced access to emotional states. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 52, 128-137. 








Lazarov, A., Cohen, T., Liberman, N., & Dar, R. (2015). Can doubt attenuate access to internal states? Implications for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry, 49, 150-156.







Aderka, I. M., Gutner, C. A., Lazarov, A., Hermesh, H., Hofmann, S. G., & Marom, S. (2014). Body image in social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and panic disorder. Body Image, 11, 51-56. 

Lazarov, A., Liberman, N., Hermesh, H., & Dar, R. (2014). Seeking proxies for internal states in obsessive–compulsive disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 4, 695-704. 








Ben-Shachar, E., Lazarov, A., Goldsmith, M., Moran, R., & Dar, R. (2013). Exploring metacognitive components of confidence and control in individuals with obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 44, 255-261. 







Lazarov, A., Dar, R., Liberman, N., & Oded, Y. (2012a). Obsessive-compulsive tendencies and undermined confidence are related to reliance on proxies for internal states in a false feedback paradigm. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 43, 556-564.


Lazarov, A., Dar, R., Liberman, N., & Oded, Y. (2012b). Obsessive-compulsive tendencies may be associated with attenuated access to internal states: Evidence from a biofeedback-aided muscle tensing task. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 1401-1409.








Lazarov, A., Dar, R., Oded, Y., & Liberman, N. (2010). Are obsessive-compulsive tendencies related to reliance on external proxies for internal states? Evidence from biofeedback-aided relaxation studies. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48, 516-523. ‏

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