The studies in the lab are conducted with the help of psychology students from the undergraduate and graduate programs

Amit Lazarov, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Dr. Lazarov received his M.A (2008) and Ph.D. (2014) in clinical psychology from Tel-Aviv University. He then completed a first post-doctoral training at Tel-Aviv University, working with Prof. Yair Bar-Haim; and a second post-doctoral training at Columbia University Medical Center in the Anxiety Disorder Clinic, working with Prof. Yuval Neria.
Dr. Lazarov joined the School of Psychological Sciences as a faculty member in 2018.
MA & PHD dissertations

Dana Basel
Ph.D. student
My Ph.D. research project investigates reward-related attentional aspects of compulsivity in OCD, under a perspective which views OCD, and specifically compulsive behaviours, as a behavioural addiction.
We aim to expand the understanding of reward-related attentional processes in OCD, by using three eye-tracking-based paradigms examining reward learning and reward-related attention allocation.

Shani Lavi
Ph.D. student
My Ph.D. research project investigates reward-related attentional aspects of Major Depression Disorder. We aim to expand the understanding of reward-related attention allocation and reward learning using eye-tracking technology in cognitive tasks and real-world contexts.

Hadar Hallel
Ph.D. student
My Ph.D. research focuses on exploring attention processes in social anxiety during social media use. The goal is to deepen our understanding of attention patterns associated with social anxiety by employing eye-tracking technology in ecological tasks that closely mirror real-world social media interactions.

Danielle Halberstam
MA student
I completed my undergraduate studies at Tel Aviv University, where I majored in Psychology and Education. My research focuses on how context influences attention allocation in individuals with social anxiety. Our goal is to deepen the understanding of attention patterns among people with social anxiety in real-world situations

Hadar Naimi
MA student
I completed my undergraduate studies at the Hebrew University, majoring in psychobiology. My research focus is examining choice and attention allocation patterns in depression.

Maya Harel
MA student
I completed my undergraduate studies at Ben Gurion University, majoring in psychology and economics. My research focuses on attention allocation in depression, examining how negative reinforcement learning shapes attention patterns.

Bar Grisaru
MA student
I completed my undergraduate studies at Tel-Aviv university, majoring in psychology.
Lab Manager
Eden Maharat
I completed my undergraduate studies at Tel-Aviv university majoring in psychology, sociology and anthropology.

Anat Rudich Strassler

Inbar Bernat

Danielle Rozenblit

Shir Dory

Dana Lahat

Nimrod Hertz-Palmor

Yam yosef

Moriah Magen

Raz Massad

Lihi Goldman

Chaya Lerflad

Ofri Yamin

Amit Landy